Friday, October 1, 2010

Amsterdam, Netherlands

We're off the boat ... and spent the day and evening in Amsterdam before heading to Paris the next morning.

Amsterdam is certainly unique ... and a scenic experience. We walked the city along its canals and backstreets. In the morning, we walked to the flower market on a very cool grey day ... and the contrast of the bright flowers was wonderful. For lunch, we discovered a tucked away little breakfast/lunch spot, where the food was delicious ... and the price very reasonable. We found out later that it's a favorite of the locals. Later, we walked over the Anne Frank house ... and in the evening, walked along the canal running through the "red light" district ... what an interesting place! The many "coffee shops" selling soft drugs and the "ladies" in the windows advertising their trade was a real different experience. For dinner, well Heiniken is the beer to drink in Amsterdam.

Our hotel and room was exceptional ... a grand view over Sengel canal and side streets was wonderful. An interesting note, Amsterdam is home to over 600,000 bikes (total population is a little over 750,000). Everyone seems to be biking and the bike lanes are everwhere. It's funny to see folks dressed for work riding bikes.

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